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Cookie Policy

1. What are cookies?

Cookies, or cookie files, are small text files saved on a PC or a mobile device (a smartphone, a tablet) when you visit our website. The files contain various information about the user and their preferences). A cookie file usually contains the name of the website from which it comes, its lifetime and a value, which usually is a randomly generated, unique string of characters.

2. Cookie policy goal

This cookie policy contains information about the used cookie files and regulates how they are used in the website polska.raben-group.com and other Internet sub-domains of the Polish companies of Raben Group (hereinafter: Raben Group).

3. Cookie files settings and management

The settings of the commonly used web browsers allow saving all sorts of cookie files. Still, you can manage the settings of cookie files with:

1. the tools made available by web browser operators (details available at the links below):

2. a panel for managing cookie files, displayed upon loading the service's homepage; selecting the “I agree” option allows Raben Group to store and use all cookie files stored in your device; you can also use the panel to only consent to store selected types of cookie files, which are described in details in Item 3 hereinbelow.

You have the right to withdraw your consent for the website to use cookie files at any time. This is done with „Change your consent” button in the Cookie Declaration. Before entering the link please switch off the Adblock. Please remember, however, that deactivating cookie files, activating the notification before their use or refusing to accept the settings may make it difficult to use certain functionalities of the service.

4.           Types of cookie files

The cookie files gathered by the service can be divided with regard to:

1.  the duration for which they are installed in the user's web browser:

a)  “session” (session cookie files) – temporary files stored in the user's device until they log out, leave the website, close the software (web browser) or delete the cookie files manually,

b) „persistent” (persistent cookie files) – stored in the user's device for the time specified in their parameters or until manually deleted by the user.

2. the purpose of use:

a) essential: necessary for the correct operation of the service – files processed subject to the legitimate interest of the controller (Art.6 Item 1 f) GDPR);

b) preferential: for “saving” the user selected settings and personalised interface, e.g. with regard to the language or region, from where the user comes, font size, appearance of the website etc.  – files processed subject to the user's voluntary consent (Art. 6 Item 1 a) GDPR);

c)  statistical: for analysing the website traffic, learn the users’ preferences, analyse their behaviour in the service and for interacting with external networks and platforms – files processed subject to the user's voluntary consent (Art. 6 Item 1 a) GDPR);

d)  marketing: for adapting the displayed ads and content to the users’ preferences and for running personalised marketing campaigns – files processed subject to the user's voluntary consent (Art. 6 Item 1 a) GDPR).

More information on all categories of cookie files, their origin and expiry date you will find in the Cookie Declaration. Before entering the link please switch off the Adblock. We would also like to inform that the service gathers the so-called third parties cookie files.  These are used by our partners mainly for marketing purposes, including adapting advertising content to the users’ individual needs.

We would also like to inform that the service gathers the so-called third parties cookie files.  These are used by our partners mainly for marketing purposes, including adapting advertising content to the users’ individual needs.

Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics, Google Inc.’s service for analysing the viewing of websites. Google Analytics uses cookie files, which are text files saved on the user's PC, in order to allow the website to analyse how it is used by the users. The information generated by cookie files on the manner of using a website by a user (including their IP address) will be transferred to Google and stored on servers in numerous countries across the world. To learn more about Google privacy policy go to https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites. By using our website, users consent to have their data processed by Google in the manner and for the purposes specified above.

If you wish to deactivate sending any information to this service, you can use a free Extension for blocking Google Analytics. 

5. Other technologies and solutions

Google Consent Mode v.2 Advanced

We use Google Consent Mode v.2 Advanced technology on our services, which enables us, depending on your consent to data processing:

  • consent granted: to collect full information about your activity, including the cookies associated with it, as a result of which we receive data identifying you and relating to you;
  • lack of consent: collection and analysis of only anonymous information on website user activity (page data, time, type, result of activities and user location data, without identifying data), resulting in model data, analytics; and the transmission of the collected data to the tools used on our websites (e.g. Google Analytics).

The purpose of processing model data, which is not linked to specific users, is to assess the quality and effectiveness of the operation and development of our services.

More about Consent Mode v.2 can be found on Google's website: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/10000067?hl=en&sjid=12877335122743037987-EU

6. Final information

To learn more about how your personal data are processed by use and how to demand access to the information and how to enforce your rights, please see our Privacy Policy.

All matters related to cookie files may be consulted with the Data Protection Supervisor.
To contact our Data Protection Supervisor write to: gdpr@raben-group.com .


The cookie files policy is subject to change due to:

  • the necessity to implement changes,
  • changes in the legal regulations,
  • the scope of cookie files used.