Experts dealing with the subject of sustainable development, who took part in the study “The 2017 Climate Survey. Evaluating Progress on Climate Change”, indicated the most important strategies which enterprises should implement to counteract climate change. As much as 79% of respondents said that companies should permanently reduce carbon dioxide consumption in the supply chain. Raben Group has been in line with these trends for years.
More and more ecological transport
Reports by the World Health Organization (WHO) leave no illusions: out of the 50 most polluted cities in the world, as many as 36 are in Poland. Cars are responsible for a significant part of the smog phenomenon. It is not just smoke coming out of exhaust pipes (accounting for about 7% of the transport dust), but also particles from the wear of brake pads and tires and dust kicked up by passing cars. And there are more and more cars.
That is why, for years, Raben Group has been systematically replacing its vehicles with newer ones which meet increasingly restrictive standards. Today, the fleet under direct control of Raben Group companies in 100% consists of vehicles compliant with Euro 5 and Euro 6 standards. However, already in 2017, the share of means of transport meeting these standards accounted for 50% of all vehicles at Raben Group's disposal in Poland. Such activities also bring tangible results. In 2015, the rate of CO2 emissions was 75.22 kg per 100 km. A year later it dropped to 70.76 kg.
Driving "empty" is not only a curse for carriers but also a sin against the environment. That is why Raben Group is trying to minimize the number of routes that its vehicles cover without cargo. Therefore, the company pays special attention to the right choice of trailers in order to effectively utilize the cargo space and increase flexibility in planning deliveries and pick-ups. Only in recent years the fleet has been expanded to include:
Thanks to the above solutions, we can better manage the flow of goods while use the loading space more effectively. For our customers, this means environmental savings on every shipment, i.e. a pallet.
Modern, energy-efficient buildings
Every year, Raben Group commissions new facilities. Today it is already 500,000 m2 of warehouse space. The solutions used in them have a considerable impact on lowering energy consumption. This includes automatic LED lighting systems, technologically advanced gas heating, thermal insulation of hydraulic ramp platforms, thanks to which warmer air does not escape from the building during loading. The use of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, and skylights providing access to natural light and power generators, covering 100% of the demand for electricity.
The height of buildings, which allows for storage of between 7% and 24% more pallets, and thus reducing gas and power consumption per one stored pallet, is also significant. These activities are reflected in the data regarding average power consumption. In Raben Logistics Polska and Raben Transport, it amounts to 4.79 kWh/m2 per month, in Fresh Logistics Polska (which uses special power generators to maintains temperature 0-6 degrees Celsius), it is 24.24 kWh/m2 per month.
The head office of Raben Group in Poland, Tulip House in Robakowo near Poznań, uses solutions reduce the consumption of electricity and heat. The level of primary energy demand achieved in this building was lower by 31.1% than the requirements for the so-called reference building.
Less paper, less waste
Raben Group is also trying to limit the use of paper while engaging employees in tree-planting actions as part of the “e-invoice=higher culture” initiative. Customers and suppliers who agree to receive electronic documents instead of their paper versions can be sure that in return for each such permission, one tree will be planted on their behalf. So far, about 10,000 such trees have been planted, which - according to calculations - can neutralize about 5,000 tons of CO2.
Another project aimed at reducing paper is its elimination in transport. Until the end of this year, the elimination of paper is planned at the stage of goods receipt from the customer by the driver and on linehauls (no sorting of documents in warehouses). The necessity of having a paper version of documents by drivers will remain only at the stage of delivery. In addition, of course, on a daily basis, we also support savings in this area, e.g. by pre-defining printing settings in all devices in Raben Group, to print on both sides, and through relevant environmental messages in e-mail signatures.
Segregation of waste is also an important issue. In 2017, in Raben Logistics Polska it amounted to as much as 96%.
Raben Group recognized
These and other CSR activities of the Group have been appreciated, among others, in the 12th edition of the Ranking of Responsible Companies. The complete list and analysis of the Ranking was published by Gazeta Prawna Daily on June 18. The ROF has been organized by Koźmiński Business Hub since 2018. The content partners are the Forum of Responsible Business and the Global Compact Network Poland. The ranking is verified by Deloitte. The ranking is prepared by Prof. Bolesław Rok of Entrepreneurship and Positive Impact Research Centre at Koźmiński University and Jarosław Horodecki, journalist. Raben Group was second among 70 companies and organizations in the sector ranking: “services, commerce and transport” and the sixth in the general classification.
Such companies are also appreciated by customers who pay attention not only to the quality of offered goods and services, but also to CSR activities. According to Marcin Grzybek from the Responsible Business Forum, among clients declaring themselves as responsible, 7% chooses products of ethical companies. The percentage may not be great, but it is certainly noticeable. The declarations of Poles go even further. Up to 90% of them believe that ensuring appropriate working conditions or wages, as well as activities in the field of environmental protection are needed, or at least commendable.
Grzybek M.: CSR w badaniach w 2017 roku, „Raport. Odpowiedzialny biznes w Polsce 2017”, Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu
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