Today the company has 8 branches in Poland. It employs over 600 people. It has 44,000 m2 of warehouse capacity and 500 means of transport.
The services offered include groupage and FTL domestic and international distribution as well as contract logistics covering transport and storage of food products.
As part of Raben Group, the Fresh service is offered in: Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, the Baltic States and, thanks to the partnership with the European Food Network, Customers can also have their products delivered all around Europe in a short time.
Recently Fresh Logistics Polska has also expanded its range of services with the UltraFresh product dedicated to goods which require controlled temperatures between 0 degrees Celsius and +2 degrees Celsius. It was the answer to the growing demand of the meat and fish sector for outsourcing of logistics services.
Fresh Logistics Polska has been recognized many times, also on the international level, and the awards they received include the Best 3PL for Fresh Food Supply Chain in 2015.
Fresh Logistics Polska specializes in services for fresh products (which require controlled temperatures from +2oC to +6oC) and offers domestic and international distribution services as well as as comprehensive logistics services for fresh products. Fresh Logistics Polska has 8 branches and employs 600 people. It is ISO 9001 and ISO 22 000 certified. More information available at:
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