Depozit Raben Sofia

Raben Group opens a new depot in Bulgaria

At the beginning of November 2019 Raben Group opened its first depot in the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia. The decision to expand into this market is another step in the company's international strategy which offers further development opportunities in the south-eastern part of Europe.

Bulgaria is one of the booming economies in Eastern Europe with a focus on the automotive, chemical, textile and food industries. It is a place where the east and south-western of Europe meet. Trade with other EU countries accounts for 69% of Bulgarian exports (15% to Germany, 9% to Italy and 9% to Romania). Exports to Turkey account for 8%. In terms of imports, 64% come from EU Member States (12% from Germany, 8% from Italy and 7% from Romania).*

This is why the launch of Raben Logistics Bulgaria was the next stage in the implementation of the Group's strategy in Europe.

“Our presence in Bulgaria gives us the opportunity to make a bridge between Raben Group and the south-eastern part of Europe stronger. Turkey, Greece and Balkan countries have a solid presence on the trade maps of Bulgaria, which will help us to contribute to the future development of our business”. - said Tomasz Nieżwicki, Director of the CEE Region at Raben Group - “Since November we have been operating on this market through the international HUB in Sofia, providing direct, daily connections with a partner network of 6 depots throughout the country, which employ a total of 200 qualified employees.”

By opening a branch in Bulgaria, Raben Group, as a global provider of regular and high-quality international transport services, has supplemented its portfolio and met the expectations of its existing customers as well as focused on attracting new customers interested in trade with Bulgaria and Eastern Europe.

Raben Logistics Bulgaria is planning to develop its business activity to cover the whole country, providing high-quality services in the field of domestic and international distribution (LTL, FTL). The company is planning to implement major international connections to countries such as: Germany, Romania, Italy, Poland or Hungary, where the Group already has its own Business Units. The Bulgarian company wants to focus on servicing customers from the automotive, chemical, textile and food processing industries

By opening a branch in Bulgaria, Raben Group has added another, 13th market to its map of Europe. The company has more than 130 depots in the following countries: the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Italy, and also Bulgaria from November 2019.