13,500 trees which can neutralize 9,500 tonnes of carbon dioxide over their entire life cycle and will contribute to increasing biodiversity in the Stołowe Mountain National Park, and which account for close to a half of all the planted trees to date - these are the green statistics for Raben Group at the end of 2021. This impressive result has been made possible not only thanks to the Group’s customers - through their participation in the “E-invoice = Higher Culture” campaign - but also due to the celebration of the company's 90th anniversary.
Transport is necessary but is also impacts the environment. Being aware of this fact and consistently following the path of sustainability, Raben Group has been planting trees which compensate CO2 emissions since 2014. As part of the “E-invoice = Higher Culture” offset programme which is a part of the ling-term Eco2Way project, the logistics operator plants trees every year on behalf of customers who agree to give up printed invoices in favour of electronic ones. The Aeris Futuro Foundation is a partner of the action.
Due to Raben Group's anniversary, the passing year was record-breaking: 3,500 trees were planted for e-invoices and another 10,000 to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the company, which in total constitutes over 45% of all planted trees so far. New trees have the potential to neutralise 9,500 tonnes of CO2 emissions over their lifetime. The combined total result of the eight editions of the “E-invoice = Higher Culture” campaign and this year's celebration is nearly 30,000 trees and fruit and melliferous shrubs planted in e.g. Wielkopolska province, Beskid Niski and Stołowe Mountains, which in their lifetime can neutralize more than 20,000 tonnes of CO2. Moreover, they support biodiversity, create natural ecological corridors and are also nesting sites for birds.
This year, the Stołowe Mountains National Park and its buffer zone have been enriched with new trees. These are mainly fir trees which are important for maintaining the balance of this ecosystem. The planting campaign has always been a great celebration and an opportunity for integration for Raben volunteers and their families but the pandemic has again somewhat limited the momentum of the event. Therefore, the tree planting was carried out by the employees of the National Park and the Foundation, with the participation of a small group of Raben Group representatives. Workshops on building nesting boxes for birds and hotels for insects were also organized for these participants so that everyone could take care of biodiversity in their neighbourhood.
“We hope that this year's campaign and the involvement of our volunteers will help to reinforce public awareness of the role the environment plays in our lives. Every pro-ecological activity in our vicinity has a positive impact on the whole planet “ - summarizes Jakub Krzewina, Sustainability Manager in Raben Group.
The video of this year's tree planting campaign is available here:
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Klaudyna Polanowska - Skrzypek
PR Manager
+48 61 898 8307