When the way is the goal - Raben Group Sustainability Report 2020


Raben is proud to present the latest “Drive to Sustainability” Report. The first such a comprehensive and detailed Report covering the whole Group and several dozenthematic indicators, taking into account the ESG strategy and the voice of over a thousand stakeholders. The 2020 Report demonstrates the company's contribution to the UN Global Goals, focusing on governance, environmental, social and economic impacts. 

Raben is proud to present the latest “Drive to Sustainability” Report. The first such a comprehensive and detailed Report covering the whole Group and several dozenthematic indicators, taking into account the ESG strategy and the voice of over a thousand stakeholders. The 2020 Report demonstrates the company's contribution to the UN Global Goals, focusing on governance, environmental, social and economic impacts.

If a company has gained momentum on the way to sustainability, set specific goals and is determined, if the pursuit is a value in itself, then nothing can stop or slow it down, not even the pandemic - Raben Group proves it in this Report. Especially if sustainability is not just at the end of this way, fixed and defined once and for all, but it is evolving, it is a journey, a process and a driving force at the same time.

Sustainability in the centre of attention

“Drive to Sustainability 2020” is in many respects an exceptional and groundbreaking publication for Raben Group. First of all, it focuses on sustainability (not CSR as before); it presents trends and challenges, the company's goals and activities in this area. The framework for the Report was set by the ESG strategy, adopted by Raben in 2019 and based on three pillars: Environment, Society and Governance, which in turn is reflected in the structure of the Report (with additional consideration of the economic impact).

"For many years now Raben Group has been focused on the safety of its employees and drivers, among other things. We measure it, report our results, and organize initiatives that reach a wide audience as part of our efforts to improve road safety. Reducing CO2 emissions is an equally high priority. I strongly believe that in a few years the market and the awareness in this area will evolve and customers will turn to companies for whom - like for us - sustainability is the focal point of their business activity" - says Ewald Raben, CEO Raben Group.

Plan globally, act locally

The importance of sustainability for the company is reflected in the appointment of a special Committee dedicated to this topic, chaired by the CEO, Ewald Raben. It is worth mentioning that the activities undertaken by Raben in the aforementioned areas and described in the Report are a part of the global puzzle, since they contribute to the implementation of selected UN Sustainable Development Goals: (3) Good Health and Well-being, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, and (17) Partnerships to achieve the Goal.

"Our Report has stepped up to the next level, both in terms of scope and the method of data presentation. It's more transparent and information-rich, aligned with our current priorities as well as with what stakeholders want to know about us. It better highlights the importance of sustainability and, most importantly, it responds to contemporary challenges" - says Jakub Krzewina, Group Sustainability Manager.

Three markets, four areas, thirty indicators

Historically, this is the company's seventh sustainability Report. However, for the first time in history the Report concerns the whole Raben Group, which has over 150 locations in 13 countries - because although it contains data concerning the operations of companies in Poland, Germany and the Czechia only, these three markets account for 85% of its business activity, taking into account the revenue, the number of employees or shipments. “Drive to Sustainability 2020” extensively demonstrates the approach to governance of the organisation as part of the ESG strategy.

The chapter devoted to governance deals with ethics in the broadest sense: stakeholder dialogue and satisfaction surveys, company codes and policies, information security and risk management. The economic impact is driven by innovation, mainly in IT. The social impact, on the other hand, is built through actions for the health and safety of employees, creating an attractive workplace, and finally, being a reliable business partner and a responsible citizen.

“Green” direction

The environmental impact is the most prominent topic, with greenhouse gas emissions coming to the fore. Among other things, Raben defines and comprehensively describes three scopes of carbon footprint, depending on the source. According to the Report, in its pursuit of climate neutrality, the company relies on its modern fleet, infrastructure and transport organization solutions, as well as tools such as Smartour and CO2 calculator. Due to the special situation which lasted almost the whole last year, the Report also includes activities related to the Covid-19 pandemic. In total, the publication contains over thirty topical indicators on the Group's non-financial data.

"When I think about the years ahead, I don’t see challenges but concrete goals that will accelerate the sustainability of our company, with the assistance of the technology that is currently available. They are as important for us as the business goals, and we have to act in a disciplined way to achieve them effectively" - summarizes Ewald Raben.

The content of the “Drive to Sustainability 2020” Report responds to the needs raised by more than 1,000 stakeholders expressed as part of the social dialogue. It contains information and data on more than 30 topical indicators. The data for 2020 have been compared to the 2019 results and the Report in its current format will be published on an annual basis. The Report has been prepared in accordance with GRI Standards at the core level and has been externally assured by an independent entity - Deloitte.

Download our Sustainability Report

Raben Group Sustainbility Report 2020


Raben Suistainability Report 2020
